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Our Vision

Our Vision

"Aspire to Achieve"

"Aspire to achieve" is the motto of The Sir Robert Woodard Academy. We pride ourselves that this is not just another vision statement, but a phrase which forms part of the SRWA DNA; something which encapsulates our core values, and brings them to life throughout the students’ time at the academy.

At the academy, we believe that creating a positive culture and ethos is paramount for the removal of barriers and enables all students to realise their potential. We believe that we must be clear about our core values and make sure these are tangible for every student in the academy. We use our motto and the acronym ‘ASPIRE’ to help us develop the habits of successful learners.

In order for our students to ASPIRE we will develop their powers to be: 


We want all of the young people at The Sir Robert Woodard Academy to have high expectations, and a strong desire to succeed in everything they do, both inside and outside of the academy. Students are encouraged to set themselves ambitious targets or challenges during their time at the academy, be it through extended learning, engagement with after-school clubs, or taking on student leadership responsibilities. 


Students are encouraged to make positive choices about the way that they conduct themselves and be positive role models for those around them. Students should be able to self-regulate their behaviour, with an eagerness to learn inside the classroom and respect for their environment and the people around them.  


There is clear evidence of a link between good attendance at school and high levels of achievement, and we aim for 100% attendance for all our students. Students should be present at the academy, and be prepared for all lessons with the correct uniform, equipment, and an eagerness to actively engage with the teaching and learning. 


We recognise that the teenage years are a time when young people begin to become more independent. We harness this attribute to encourage students to become independent learners. We encourage students to reflect on their work and on the feedback that they have received. We set a number of thought-provoking questions at the start of the year and ask students to consider these and answer them independently. Examples of this year’s questions are “If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity?...”


Resilience is one of the greatest skills for life. We encourage students to reflect positively when they have overcome a challenge or adversity and consider the things that they have learnt about themselves. Students at the academy are adaptable, confident, and learn to turn challenging situations into positive learning experiences for the future.


At The Sir Robert Woodard Academy, excellence is expected, celebrated, and rewarded. We run a merit and green card system for reward during lessons, with green cards awarded for excellent attitude, effort or work. Individual and Chapter awards are given out at weekly assemblies and at the end of term assembly we celebrate the most green cards received, where students compete enthusiastically for the accolade. There are many other awards available such as a postcard home, a subject award, a Chapter Head award and the Principal’s award. The academy seeks to take every opportunity to recognise personal and academic excellence, citizenship, services to the academy, and overcoming adversity.

Students are encouraged to develop their ASPIRE attributes through the monitoring of their Aspire Score. This score is routinely discussed with tutors and parents and it encourages students to reflect on their individual success stories, their learning habits, their involvement and engagement in all the academy community has to offer, as well as to set goals for personal growth. 

We are committed to ensuring that this motto is not just an empty phrase but is way of life in our school.

Our Values

Our values are rooted in our Christian ethos and are central to our vision.

We reflect respect for diversity, care for our local and global community and act as stewards to preserve and value our environment.

Our curriculum as well as our enrichment activities embody British values and responsible citizenship.

In unity we work together as a family, showing love and respect for others, confidence in ourselves, and pride in our achievements.

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